I had a very dowdy dress that I picked up at a yard sale or .50 and another sweater from my dollar a bag church sale. The sweater was nothing special and the dress was downright unattractive. BUT the good thing with the dress was I thought the blue and pink color scheme was pretty and there was plenty to work with. The good thing with the sweater was for a second hand white sweater it surprisingly had zero stains and was nice and soft.
(1)I started by taking the sleeves off the dress. I knew I was going to be layering the sweater on top of it and it would be more comfortable sleeveless.

(2) Next I took the buttons off as I was going to be sewing the front together and turning it into my favorite cleavage enhancing V neck.
I pinned the front closed and tried the dress on to perfect where I wanted the V, as well as where I wanted to cut the skirt to turn this into a shirt. I cut strips from the leftover skirt to create a long belt.
(3)Now for the sweater, I used some dark thread to illustrate the technique for cutting a sweater. This sweater was super easy as it has vertical stripes. One stripe was directly down the middle so made a great guide for where to cut. As you can see I sewed a line of straight stitch on either side of where I wanted to cut. I then turned the cut edge under and sewed it in place.
Finished product! I put my new cardigan on over my new floral blouse, and wrapped my snazzy belt on top of it all. I was really tickled with how this came out. I even ended up keeping the pockets that were in the dress. After wearing this today I have a couple ideas of how I might like to tweak it a little, maybe try it with a navy cardi, and layer a lace cami under? A re-do of a re-do?

Hope you have a wonderul Thanksgiving!